Bucharest Medicine
Look over the list of services that we provide. We came up with this list because we know from our experience that almost every one of our clients has had difficulties with at least one of the categories in that list. Make your life easier, let us help you.
Applying to a medical school can be very difficult for a foreigner because of the language barrier and the confusing application procedure.
Why risk the opportunity of becoming a medical student just because you misunderstood the procedure or you made a mistake in the application process. Let us help you so you maximize your chances of being accepted.
Foreign transfers are not accepted to "Carol Davila". But we can advise you about other Romanian universities. Just contact us and find out what is suitable for you.
Non- EU applicants need to apply for a Visa in order to travel to Romania or the European Union. We will help you sort out your paperwork in order to receive your Visa as soon as possible.
Visa and immigration
Airport pick-up
Translation of Documents
If you are having a hard time getting your documents translated or if you need to talk to someone in Romanian, contact us and we will be there to assist you
Arriving in a foreign country for the first time can be very confusing and perhaps even frightening.
We will send one of our friendly drivers to pick you up with a luxury car and take you to your hotel.
Renting an apartment is a time consuming process in any country of the world. Finding the right apartment depends on your preferences, your knowledge about the city and your negotiation skills.
You may pick your preferences but let us take care of the rest.
Medical books and Accessories
All medical students need books and intruments. Find out what you need and where you can find them.
Bucharest city tour
Most people who apply to study in Romania have never visited the country before.
Let us show you the Bucharest that you will learn to like.
Application to medical school
Application to Medical school
Airport pick-up
Bucharest City tour
Registration Assistance
Visa and immigration assistance
Application to medical School