Bucharest Medicine
Bucharest is the capital city of Romania and the largest industrial and financial center in Eastern Europe.
With a population of 2 million, it is the 6th most populous city in Europe.
Romania is a member of the European Union and the NATO.
The most common spoken languages are Romanian, English, Hungarian and French. The majority of the population is of Christian religion, but all other religions are well accepted and openly practiced without any restrictions.
Bucharest is rapidly developing into a contemporary European capital and attracts more and more visitors every year. The number of foreign students is also increasing rapidly, becoming a popular choice for those who seek to obtain a medical degree that is affordable and accessible to all groups.
One think that we can say for sure is that being a student here is AWESOME. When you are not studying for an exam, you are probably enjoying your student life in one of the countless leisure spots around the city. Cafes, clubs, malls, parks are only a few things that Bucharest has to offer.
But that’s not all, if you want to explore the beautiful Romanian mountains and its skiing resorts or the beaches of the Black Sea; they are only 2 hours away from the city.